Living With Pulmonary Hypertension: Living Your Best Life
This article is for people who have pulmonary hypertension (PH), or their care partners, as well as others who want to learn more about strategies to help manage PH. The goal is to help you set and meet treatment goals with your doctor to improve your quality of life (QoL).
You will learn about:
How PH can affect your QoL
Symptoms of PH and symptoms that require emergency medical care
Setting treatment goals with your doctor
Things you can do to help control your symptoms and manage your QoL
Questions to ask your doctor
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How Can Having Pulmonary Hypertension Affect Your QoL?
PH -- a type of high blood pressure that affects the arteries in the lungs and in the heart -- is a serious, lifelong illness that can affect your physical, mental, or emotional well-being.
Being aware of how your PH is affecting you (the symptoms you have and how they affect your QoL) can help you to take steps to make living with PH more manageable.
What Are the Symptoms of PH?
The most common symptoms of PH are:
Being short of breath during normal activities
Feeling tired
Having chest pain
Feeling like your heart is racing
Feeling pain on the upper right side of your abdomen
Having a poor appetite
What Symptoms Require Emergency Treatment?
Some symptoms are more serious than others. Symptoms that require you to seek emergency medical care are:
Chest pain
Ankle swelling
Feeling like your heart is pounding
If you have these symptoms call your doctor immediately, go to the emergency department, or call 911.
Knowing symptoms that require emergency medical care can help get the care you need to get your symptoms under control as quickly as possible.
Be Prepared: Put Together an Emergency Kit
You never know when you might need your medicines or supplies, so it's a good idea to keep them with you at all times.
A good way to do that is to put together a portable, easy-to-carry emergency kit that includes items like these:
Emergency phone contacts and numbers
Note from your doctor that describes your illness and important information that other healthcare providers might need
List of the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines
Your medicines
Medical supplies needed to take your medicines, like syringes, needles, inhalers, pumps, batteries, tubing, alcohol pads, dressings
Portable blood pressure monitor
Setting Treatment Goals With Your Doctor
The overall goal of your treatment is to improve your symptoms and sometimes to slow the progression of your PH.
In addition, setting personal treatment goals with your doctor is an important step in participating in your care.
Setting realistic personal treatment goals may help you improve your symptoms or keep them from getting worse. Personal goals may be about things like exercise, diet, work, travel or participation in activities.
Can You Exercise If You Have PH?
Some form and amount of exercise is usually considered important for physical and mental health.
For patients with PH, experts generally agree that some exercise is not harmful, and may even be beneficial.
Finding the right balance between too little and too much exercise is an important way to help control your symptoms.
You should talk to your doctor about what kinds and how much exercise is right for you before you continue or begin an exercise program.
If You Have PH, Do You Need to Watch What You Eat?
You should watch how much salt and sodium is in the foods you eat because too much salt or sodium can cause edema (the build-up of water in tissues), which makes your heart work harder. This can make your symptoms worse. Talk to your doctor or a dietician about how to control salt and sodium in your diet to a safe level for you.
Some vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements can interfere with some medicines. Talk to your doctor or a dietician about which ones you can take and which ones to avoid.
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Asking questions will help you take a more active role in your PH treatment.
Can we talk about my treatment goals?
What happens if my PH gets worse?
When should I call you, or go to the emergency department?
Can I exercise, how much?
Do I need to avoid certain foods?
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