Getting to Know Your Child's CMV Healthcare Team

Getting to Know Your Child's CMV Healthcare Team


This podcast episode is for anyone who's pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, has a newborn baby, or has a child living with cytomegalovirus (CMV); or anyone who's interested in learning more about CMV. The goal of this episode is to help people talk to and work with their doctors and healthcare team about CMV and their child's care.

You will learn about:

  • What CMV is and who can get it

  • Types of CMV infection, including congenital CMV

  • Possible symptoms and complications (additional problems) of congenital CMV

  • Who the key members of a CMV healthcare team are and their roles

  • Working with the members of your child's team and getting support

Drs Megan H. Pesch and Patricia Purcell talk about CMV and working with the members of your child's healthcare team.

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Authors and Disclosures


Megan H. Pesch, MD, MS

Assistant ProfessorDevelopmental and Behavioral PediatricsUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan Megan H. Pesch, MD, MS, has the following relevant financial relationships:Served as an advisor or consultant for: DiaSorin MolecularServed as a speaker or a member of a speakers bureau for: DiaSorin Molecular

Patricia L. Purcell, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Pediatric OtolaryngologyC.S. Mott Children’s HospitalUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan Patricia L. Purcell, MD, MPH, has no relevant financial relationships.


Anita A. Galdieri, PharmD, RPh

Associate Director, Content Development. Medscape, LLC. Anita A. Galdieri, PharmD, RPh, has no relevant financial relationships.


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